
If you are here to explore working with a Spiritual Director, you may well be in the right place. Explore the site -- go to the GETTING STARTED (FAQ) page where many of your questions may already be answered; read the blog and listen to how you feel; follow some of the links to learn more; find out a little something about my background. If you'd like to contact me -- either to set up an appointment or ask a questions, there's a contact form on the right side of each page that you can use to MAKE A CONNECTION.

Most simply, though, the spirit of my practice can be summed up in these words (adapted from Robert Mabry Doss): For those who come here seeking God ... may God go with you. For those who come embracing life ... may life return your affection. And for those who come to seek a path ... may a way be found, and the courage to take it step by step.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Let Beauty Become Your Mantra ...

A member of the congregation I serve just came into the office and shared with me this passage from In Love With The Mystery by Ann Mortifee:
Let everything we do be done
for Beauty: how we keep our rooms,
tend our garden, or prepare our food.
They say the Spirits love Beauty.
Let Beauty become your mantra
and your devotion.  Your inner life
will bloom.  Synchronicity will
frequent your door.  Wild creatures
will come to call.  And your own
heart will grow bright and full
with the same Beauty that you adore.
"Let Beauty become your mantra ..."

I find that a tremendously lovely thought.

What do you think?  Does this idea of beauty as a "mantra" and a "devotion" speak to you?  If it does, what do you think it calls you to? 

  • Remaining (or becoming) aware of the beauty around you?  
  • Becoming (or remaining) aware of the beauty within you?
  • Seeking beauty even in what appears anything but?
  • Striving to create beauty as you move through the world?

Even more fundamentally,

  • What do you think of when you hear the word "beauty?"  
  • What makes something "beautiful?"  
  • Where do you find beauty most often?
  • Conversely, where have you never, or rarely, found it?

If you journal, these could be excellent prompts for your exploration.  If you meet regularly with a Spiritual Director, they could provide a partner to play with these questions.  (And if you don't dance with a Spiritual Director, why not?!?!?)

Pax tecum,


"Buddha with Flowers"  by Walker