What is Spiritual Direction?
A great resource was developed by the people of Spiritual Director's International to answer just this question. (It also addresses what spiritual direction isn't, as well as how spiritual direction works in a variety of faith traditions.) In short, though, Spiritual Direction is a particular kind of intentional relationship which aims to help a person explore the Deep Meaning of their life, as they are living it right now. People seek Spiritual Directors most often during times of transition, when life-as-they've-known-it is becoming something else; Spiritual Direction can help you to make sense of the changes, and can help you to find yourself in this new landscape.
My understanding of the Director's role is like that of a wilderness guide. A Spiritual Director knows something of the terrain you're walking through, and is able to point out possible challenges as well as places where it is good to pause and enjoy the scenery. A Director doesn't walk for you, though. Each step on the path is yours to take. In that sense, you direct yourself, and I am your companion on the journey. Perhaps that's why some Spiritual Directors call themselves Spiritual Companions instead.
You might want to read my earliest posts:
How Does It Work?
I primarily work with people at a distance using Zoom (although working through Skype, phone, or email is possible, and I do see people face-to-face as well). After an initial conversation to answer any questions and establish mutually agreeable "ground rules" for the relationship, you and I would establish a schedule for regular meetings. (Often people like to meet weekly at the beginning, spreading out to every-other-week or monthly as time goes on.) You will set the focus for our meetings -- you may have questions you want to explore, talk about a dream you've recently had, discuss a movie that you've seen or a book that you're reading -- there is no "wrong way" to do this.
Why Would I Want Spiritual Direction?
You may be going through a difficult time, facing a challenge, wrestling/dancing with a question that you can't let go of (or that won't let go of you). Perhaps you're in a time of transition in your life, experiencing the end of something or the beginning of something new. A Spiritual Director can help you to be conscious as you travel this part of your life's journey. It's been said that spiritual direction differs from therapy in that therapy helps you to move through a challenging time -- be it positive, negative, or confusing -- while a spiritual director helps you to discover how to live fully in the midst of the challenge.
What if I Don't Believe in God?
One of the hallmarks of the Unitarian Universalist tradition in which I serve is a respect for the multitude of ways we humans have encountered and engaged with the depths of Life. Some people are rooted in one or another of the great faith traditions, others are "spiritual but not religious," and still others are comfortable in their understanding that there is nothing but what we can see, smell, taste, and touch. I love the opportunity to learn from you, to have a glimpse through your eyes of how you see the world and your place in it, and I feel ready to travel with you on whatever path you take.
Why Work With Wik?
You shouldn't ... necessarily. That's one of the purposes of the initial conversation -- it's a chance for you to kick the tires, as it were, and make sure that the odometer reading that's reported is accurate. Pay attention to how you feel during this initial encounter. No amount of experience, or training, or number of impressive credentials will make someone the right Spiritual Director for you if you don't feel that you can work with them.
What Is Your Question?
If you have a question about spiritual direction that has not been answered here, you can reach me through the form on the Let's Get Started page.
If you are here to explore working with a Spiritual Director, you may well be in the right place. Explore the site -- go to the GETTING STARTED (FAQ) page where many of your questions may already be answered; read the blog and listen to how you feel; follow some of the links to learn more; find out a little something about my background. If you'd like to contact me -- either to set up an appointment or ask a questions, there's a contact form on the right side of each page that you can use to MAKE A CONNECTION.
Most simply, though, the spirit of my practice can be summed up in these words (adapted from Robert Mabry Doss): For those who come here seeking God ... may God go with you. For those who come embracing life ... may life return your affection. And for those who come to seek a path ... may a way be found, and the courage to take it step by step.