
If you are here to explore working with a Spiritual Director, you may well be in the right place. Explore the site -- go to the GETTING STARTED (FAQ) page where many of your questions may already be answered; read the blog and listen to how you feel; follow some of the links to learn more; find out a little something about my background. If you'd like to contact me -- either to set up an appointment or ask a questions, there's a contact form on the right side of each page that you can use to MAKE A CONNECTION.

Most simply, though, the spirit of my practice can be summed up in these words (adapted from Robert Mabry Doss): For those who come here seeking God ... may God go with you. For those who come embracing life ... may life return your affection. And for those who come to seek a path ... may a way be found, and the courage to take it step by step.

Monday, March 18, 2019

What is prayer?

A couple of weeks back I wrote about a woman who has had a real impact on my spiritual life -- Sr. Rose Mary Dougherty.  I had both the good fortune and the true blessing of meeting and learning from her during the Spiritual Guidance program I did with the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation.

I just began reading her 2009 book Discernment: a path to spiritual awakening.  Her Introduction includes this powerful paragraph:
"[I]f you were to ask me what prayer is, I would turn the question back to you:  What is prayer for you?  What honors your desire for God?  What expresses the desire of your heart?  Who are you?  What allows you to life the fullness of your being?  Allow your experience of prayer to be your guide as you move through these reflections."
I think we could invert her last thought, also -- allow these questions to be your guide as you move through your understanding of prayer.  I hear her saying that prayer:

  • honors our desire for God
  • expresses the desire of our hearts
  • grows out of and informs who we are
  • allows (and encourages and perhaps even requires!) us to live the fullness of our being

I encourage you to take some time to sit -- or walk, or dance -- with these questions.  They are great questions to bring to spiritual direction.

Pax tecum,
