On her blog Notes from the Far Fringe, my friend, the Rev. Kimberly Debus, has a section called "Hymn by Hymn," in which she posted a daily reflection on the hymns in the Unitarian Universalist hymnals Singing the Living Tradition and Singing the Journey, one hymn each day. I know several people who always seem to wake up with a song stuck in their head use it as a kind of journal prompt, reflecting a little each day on why that particular song might be on their mind.
I had a musical practice for a few years, when I was living on Cape Cod and working in Boston. The commute by bus was about an hour and a half each way, and I took to listening to one piece of music, repeated, for the entire trip. By the time I arrived at South Station it had become a part of me, like my in-breaths and out-breaths.
What's your relationship with music? Is it part of your spiritual practice? Might it be (without your even being aware of it)?
Pax tecum,
This was one of my favorite song-prayers during those bus ride commutes: