- Naming prayers are like prayers of praise, thanksgiving. They focus on naming the things we are grateful for in our lives -- the glory of a sunrise, a loved one's presence in your life, your life itself, the Infinite and Inestimable I Am.
- Knowing prayers are like prayers of confession. That term -- confession -- carries a lot of baggage for a lot of folks today, some of it deserved and some not. Think instead, then, of Step 4 of Alcoholics Anonymous: "a searching and fearless moral inventory." Just as a shopkeeper should take inventory regularly, making note of the things they have that are in good shape as well as those that are outdated or in some other way(s) spoiled. No shame, no blame, no condemnation. These prayers aim to help us in truly knowing ourselves -- strengths and weaknesses, both.
- Listening prayer is about silencing the internal chatter and listening to what the writer(s) of the Biblical book 1 Kings called "the still small voice." (I've been told that a better translation is "the voice of quiet stillness.")
- Loving prayers are analogous to prayers of petition or supplication. Call to mind those who are in need of support, strength, comfort, love. Make sure to include yourself in these! These prayers are an opportunity to express your loving intentions.

Is there one of these types of prayer that speaks most strongly to you? Some religious traditions tend of focus more on one than the others, and many people seem to have a natural inclination toward one.
As an experiment -- switch things up. For a month (or even just a week, depending how frequent your practice is), spend less time with the type of prayer to which you're usually drawn and emphasize a type you'd be more likely to minimize. If you keep a journal, note what this switch surprises you with. This could also provide a great topic for conversation with a spiritual director.
Pax tecum,