
If you are here to explore working with a Spiritual Director, you may well be in the right place. Explore the site -- go to the GETTING STARTED (FAQ) page where many of your questions may already be answered; read the blog and listen to how you feel; follow some of the links to learn more; find out a little something about my background. If you'd like to contact me -- either to set up an appointment or ask a questions, there's a contact form on the right side of each page that you can use to MAKE A CONNECTION.

Most simply, though, the spirit of my practice can be summed up in these words (adapted from Robert Mabry Doss): For those who come here seeking God ... may God go with you. For those who come embracing life ... may life return your affection. And for those who come to seek a path ... may a way be found, and the courage to take it step by step.

Monday, May 27, 2019

What Is Your Song?

Last week I read an article about a beautiful practice of the Himba people of Namibia.  Apparently, when a woman is thinking about having a baby, she goes off by herself.
When a Himba woman decides to have a child, she goes off and sits under a tree, alone, and she listens until she can hear the song of the child who wants to come.
And after she’s heard the song of this child, she comes back to the man who will be the child’s father, and teaches him the song. When they make love to physically conceive the child, they sing the song of the child as a way of inviting the child.
The Himba are not the only people who believe that each of us has a song that is unique to us and which, in some ways, contains or conveys the essence of who we are.

Try going to sit under a tree (literally or metaphorically) and listen for the sound of your song.  It might be a song you know and love.  It might be a tune you've never heard before.  Even if you're not able to hear a specific song, you can still think about what type of song it would be:
  • is it something instrumental, or something with lyrics?
  • is it jazz, classical, heavy metal, easy listening?
  • does it have a traditional or avant-garde structure?
  • have you heard this song before, or is it something new?
As I often suggest, if you journal take note of where this exploration takes you.  And again as always, you could talk about this with a spiritual director.  (You might even sing your song together!)

Pax tecum,
